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English Department Supply Information


Supply information for High School students:

Your son or daughter's English Teacher will probably hand out a supply list on the first day of school. 

However, if you would like to get a start on the things that your child may need, the following

are some basic supplies that all Ninth Grade English Teachers will require:

5 Subject College Ruled Spiral Notebook (8 1/2 X 11)

A binder with dividers and Looseleaf 

Glue Sticks     Index Cards (3x5)    

Mini-Stapler    Highlighters

English Ten or AP Language-

Please see the website of your child's teacher

English 11 or IB English-

Please see the website of your child's teacher

Senior Electives or AP English-

Please see the website of your child's teacher

IB Film 11 and 12-

SD Memory Card (16 GIG Minimum- 32 GIG Preferred)

Composition Book (100 pages)