Mrs. Amy Gilbert, RHHS
IB French
AP French
French III
French II
French 8
French 7
- Textbook: Valette, Jean-Paul, and Rebecca M. Valette. Discovering French (Bleu). Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell Publishing, 1998.
- Workbook: Valette, Jean-Paul, and Rebecca M. Valette. Discovering French Activity Book (Bleu). Evanston, IL:McDougal Littell Publishing, 1998.
- Readings: assorted level appropriate readings
- Writing: teacher generated writing activities following format of NYS proficiency exam; student generated dialogues on specific topics; projects designed with each topic
- Testing: textbook formulated quizzes and tests; teacher formulated quizzes and tests; departmental final exam
Vocabulary topics:
Personal identification family, school and education, meal taking food/drink, body parts and health, dates, seasons, weather, leisure activities.
Grammar topics:
Gender, avoir and faire expressions - formal/informal, negatives with ne...pas, etre, adverbs, adjectives: 1 form and 2 forms, expressions of quantity, definite articles, faire, indefinite articles, prepositions, regular er verbs, plurals, possessive adjectives, partitive, boire, manger.
- Textbook: Valette, Jean-Paul, and Rebecca M. Valette. Discovering French (Bleu). Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell Publishing, 1998.
- Workbook: Valette, Jean-Paul, and Rebecca M. Valette. Discovering French Activity Book (Bleu). Evanston, IL:McDougal Littell Publishing, 1998.
- Readings: assorted level appropriate readings
- Writing: teacher generated writing activities following format of NYS proficiency exam
- student generated dialogues on specific topics
- projects designed with each topic
- Testing:
- textbook formulated quizzes and tests
- teacher formulated quizzes and tests
- departmental final exam
Vocabulary topics:
House and home, community and neighborhood, meal taking food/drink, shopping clothes and colors, professions, leisure and entertainment, travel, animals
Grammar topics:
Prepositions, definite articles, indefinite articles, plurals, pas de, BAGS adjectives, il est vs. c’est, à contractions, de contractions, stress pronouns, possession with de, possessive adjectives, ordinal numbers, future with aller; ce, cette, ces; quel, quelle; adjectives: beau, nouveau, vieux; comparisons, spell changing verbs, ir verbs, avoir besoin de, re verbs, imperatives, impersonal constructions expressions with avoir, passé composé, expressions of quantity, partitive, DO pronouns and; vouloir.
- Textbook: Valette, Jean-Paul, and Rebecca M. Valette. Discovering French (BlANC). Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell Publishing, 1998. (chapters 1-20)
- Workbook: Valette, Jean-Paul, and Rebecca M. Valette. Discovering French Activity Book (Blanc). Evanston, IL:McDougal Littell Publishing, 1998.
- Readings: Zahler, Huguette. Le Mystere des Faux Billets. Amsco School Publications, Inc., 2000.
- Writing: writing assignments to include friendly letters, short stories, notes
- Testing: textbook formulated quizzes based on the curriculum; teacher formulated vocabulary quizzes; mid-term and final examinations.
Grammar topics:
Conjugation of irregular verbs in the present tense; conjugation of passe compose with irregular past participles; use of imperfect tense vs use of passe compose; direct object pronouns; indirect object pronouns; reflexive verbs and pronouns; the pronouns y and en; the imperative; negations; rien, personne, jamais; forming questions; stress pronouns; the use of il y a and depuis
- Textbook: Valette, Jean-Paul, and Rebecca M. Valette. Discovering French (BlANC). Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell Publishing, 1998. (chapters 21-36)
- Workbook: Valette, Jean-Paul, and Rebecca M. Valette. Discovering French Activity Book (Blanc). Evanston, IL:McDougal Littell Publishing, 1998.
- Readings: Zahler, Huguette. Le Mystere des Faux Billets. Amsco School Publications, Inc., 2000; Goscinny, Rene and Jean-Jacques Sempe. Les Aventures du Petit Nicolas. NY: Macmillan Company, 1966.
- Writing: writing assignments to include friendly letters, short stories, notes, and business letters
- Testing: textbook formulated quizzes based on the curriculum; teacher formulated vocabulary quizzes; mid-term
Grammar topics:
Review direct and indirect object pronouns; review imperfect and passe compose; future tense; conditionnal tense; si clauses; demonstrative adjectives; demonstrative pronouns; relative pronouns qui and que; forming and using adverbs; possessive pronouns; the subjunctive; uses of the infinitive; uses of the present participle
- Textbook: Cantas, Pierre F. and Michele Shockey. Sans Bornes. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1990.
- Workbook: Cantas, Pierre F. and Michele Shockey. Sans Bornes. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1990.
- Reading materials: Selections from Hirsh, Bette and Chantal Thompson. Moments Litteraires. Lexington MA: D.C. Heath and Company, 1992; Malle, Louis. Au Revoir Les Enfants. Genova, Italy: Cideb Editrice, 1998; Anouilh, Jean. L'alouette. Folio, Editions de la Table Ronde, 1953; Ionesco, Eugene. Rhinoceros. Editions Gallimard, 1959; Saint Exupery, Antoine. Le Petit Prince. NY: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1970; selected excerpts, poems and/or short stories by: Victor Hugo, Paul Clandel, Balzac, Rimbard, Maupassant, Camus, and others.
- Writing: writing assignments include literary summaries and critiques, directed essays, short stories, poetry.
- Testing: AP listening and comprehension quizzes, teacher formulated vocabulary quizzes, teacher formulated reading comprehension quizzes and tests, AP/IB reading and comprehension quizzes, in class mid-term with take home essay question, in class final exam, IB exam or AP exam for French V