In order for a student to earn an International Baccalaureate diploma he/she must complete all the requirements in the hexagon. The student must complete a 2 year course of study. The student is assessed internally during the second year of study and is assessed externally (by an international rater) at the end of the second year of study. The written component of external assessment is as follows: paper 1 which is composed of text-handling exercises based on a number of written texts, and paper 2 which is one writing task from a choice of titles. The oral component of internal assessment is as follows: a minimum of three activities conducted during the final year of the course and assessed by the teacher. The candidates are assessed by the teacher and the marks are externally moderated.
In order for a student to receive Advanced Placement credit he/she must complete 4 levels in the language (preferably 5 levels). Upon completion of the 4th or 5th level the student takes the Advanced Placement Exam that is given in May. Credit is awarded according to the college. Many colleges throughout the United States will accept AP credit if a student achieves a 3, 4, or 5 on the exam. A score of 1 or 2 may not be accepted by the college.
In order for a student to earn a New York State Regents Diploma with honors he/she must complete 3 units of foreign language study and pass the Comprehensive Local Exam III. In order for a student to earn a New York State Regents Diploma and to satisfy the requirements for Red Hook Central School he/she must pass a foreign language in 7th grade, take the 8th grade level of the same language and pass the eighth grade final. If the student decides not to continue with a foreign language, a 5 credit sequence in Career and Technical Education must be taken at the High School in place of the foreign language sequence.
The Red Hook Central High School International Baccalaureate Language B program consists of two years of IB courses. Prior to this, students will have completed Level III of their chosen language. The Language B courses intergrate the Aims and Objectives of the IB program with current New York State and local requirements.
The aims of the IB Group 2 courses are to enable students to communicate with native speakers on a variety of topics. This includes responding and comprehending in writing, reading, and speaking. The material will encompass exposure to leisure, family, academic, political, and historical information. It will also include current events and their international impact. While the aims are academic, the course would provide an ambiance conducive to creativity and enjoyment.
Social / Academic / Cultural Objectives:
Students should be able to understand and respond to complex daily communicative situations. This will be accomplished through printed publications, use of the computer, literary works, and by interaction with native speakers. Speaking, listening and writing skills will be incorporated through assignments involving corresponding with, expressing views with, and interviewing people from other nations. Through study and exposure to different people and cultures, students will demonstrate an awareness and open-mindedness toward other life styles, cultures and histories.
Course requirements and evaluation criteria for Honors courses
Honors courses are primarily distinguished qualitatively from standard courses. Typically, honor students cover material in greater depth, broader scope, at a faster pace and with more reflection. Exploration of content, critical thinking, increased attention to task, synthesis, as well as accepting constructive criticism, are staples of the honors courses. Students in honors classes will be challenged to make significant yearly gains, demonstrate academic growth, show intrinsic motivation and take ownership of their own learning.
Honors Students:
- Work independently.
- Respond to direction.
- Apply what they have learned to new situations.
- Advance objectives of the lesson with thoughtful and appropriate questions.
- Arrive to class prepared and ready to work.
- Integrate teacher corrections into their writing and speaking.
- Complete all assignments in class and at home in a timely manner, including assignments missed due to absences.
An 8th grade student who would like to be considered for level II Language should meet the following criteria in February of their 8th grade year, when placement recommendations are made.
- Have a cumulative average of 85 or above in 7th grade language class.
- Have an average of 85 or above in the first two marking periods of 8th grade.
- Receive the Honors recommendation from the 8th grade teacher.
Once admitted to the Honors Language program, students are expected to:
- Maintain an average of 85.
- Display the characteristics indicated above.
Student who would like to move from Regents to Honors Language are expected to:
- Maintain an average of 90 or above.
- Consistently display the characteristics indicated above.
- Received an Honors recommendation from the current teacher.
Students are expected to:
- participate in class each day.
- come to class prepared with the appropriate materials each day.
- spend time each night working on written assignments and studying vocabulary.
- observe and better appreciate the diversity in the world around them.
TEACHER EXPECTATIONS: Teachers are expected to:
- prepare lessons that are aligned with the NYS and national standards.
- assign meaningful and appropriate homework.
- be available to students for extra help within the school day.
- be available to parents for conferences within the school day.
- help students regard and use the world language as a tool that will enable them to accomplish a specific communicative purpose.
- help students better understand the peoples and cultures throughout the world.