Mr. Jack Stehling RHHS ext 71252
IB German
AP German
German III
German II
textbook: Winkler, George. Komm Mit! (Level II). Orlando: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1995.
- workbook:
- Winkler, George, and Dorothea Bruschke. Komm Mit; Grammar and Vocabulary Worksheets. (Level II) Orlando: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1998.
- reading selections from:
- Douvitsas-Gamst, Jutta, Eleftherios Xanthos,and Sigrid Xanthos-Kretschmer.
- Das Deutschmobil. Muchen: Klett Edition Deutsch, 1989.
- Horroman, Keine Panik. (Langenscheidt. 19??)
- writing:
- portfolio of writing which includes compositions, friendly letters, (pen-pal correspondence), notes and a short research assignment.
- testing:
- textbook formulated quizzes and tests based on the curriculum
- teacher formulated quizzes and tests
- Mid-term and final examinations
- grammar topics:
- stem changing verbs
- comparison of wollen and möchte forms
- accusative case prepositions
- dative case prepositions
- two way prepostions (take accusative or dative)
- daß clauses, ob clauses
- modal verbs: müssen, können, sollen, dürfen
- dieser, jeer, welcher words
- the interrogative warum
- conjunctions weil und denn
- reflexive verbs and pronouns
- past tense (Perfekt)
- verbs with dative case forms
- verbs sein and haben in Imperfekt and Perfekt
- wo and da compounds
- adjective endings with der and ein words
- dative case with possessive pronouns and personal pronouns
Deutsch Aktuell. EKMC Corporation, 2010
- workbook:
- Themen Neu 2 Arbeitsheft. Max Hueber Verlag, 1994.
- Winkler, George. Unsere Welt Arbeitsheft. Orlando: Harcourt,Brace, Jovanovich, 1991.
- reading selections from:
- Moser, Beverly, Dolly Young, and Darlene Wolf. Schemata. Orlando: Holt , Rinehart, and Winston, 1997.
- Von Hofe, Harold. Die Mittelstufe. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1971.
- Nöstlinger, Christine. Die Ilse ist weg. München: Langenscheidt, 1974.
- writing:
- portfolio of writing assignments which includes compositions, friendly letters, business letters and a research paper.
- testing:
- textbook formulated quizzes and tests based on the curriculum
- teacher formulated quizzes and tests
- Mid-term examination
- New York State Regents Examination
- grammar topics:
- Imperfekt and Perfekt tenses (written and spoken past tense)
- Passive voice
- Subjunctive II
- Relative clauses
- Adjective endings
Moeller, Liedloff, Adolph, and Mabee. Kaleidoskop. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1998.
Themen Neu 3. Max Hueber Verlag, 1994.
- workbook:
- Themen Neu 3 Arbeitsheft. Max Hueber Verlag, 1994.
- reading selections of plays:
- Dürrenmatt, Friedrich. Der Besuch der alten Dame. Cambridge, MA: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1957.
- Frisch, Max. Andorra. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1961.
- Brecht, Bertolt. Der kaukasische Kreidekreis. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1955.
- reading selections of novels:
- Pressler, Mirjam. Bitterschokolade. München: Langenscheidt, 1980.
- Pausewant, Gudrun. Die Wolke. Ravensburger Buchverlag, 1987.
- Kästner, Erich. Drei Manner im Schnee. Frankfurt am Main: Ullstein Verlag, 1984.
- Hesse, Hermann. Siddhartha. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1978.
- Richter, Hans Peter. Damals war es Friedrich. Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1980.
- Heyne, Isolde. Yilditz heisst Stern. München: Langenscheidt, 1994.
- writing:
- Portfolio of written assignments including literary summaries and critiques, original poetry, correspondence and a research paper.
- Students will also maintain a weekly journal.
- testing:
- textbook formulated quizzes and tests based on the curriculum
- teacher formulated quizzes and tests
- take home mid-term examination
- take home final examination
Every year Red Hook German students also participate in the Daimler-Chrysler Award of Excellence Program. Prizes are awarded each year and in 2000 a Red Hook student earned an all-expense paid trip to Europe for a month long educational tour.
Every year Red Hook High School students participate in the AATG (American Association of Teachers of German) National Testing and Awards Program which the AATG has been sponsoring for the past thirty years. On the average over 25,000 students participate annually. Every year many Red Hook students score on or above the 85 th percentile. In 2006 four Level IV German students scored in the top ten regionally. Three Level III students placed in the top 10 regionally. They secured first place followed by sixth place and eighth place. A Level II student secured second place regionally. This achievement, in light of the large number of test participants, brings honor to the school district and to the German Program.
In June 2002 the Goethe House New York recognized the outstanding achievement of a Red Hook High School German student. The student received a letter of recognition and several prizes.
Annual awards are given to graduating seniors by both the Steuben Society and the Kingston Männerchor und Damenchor.