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Report an absence

Red Hook Central School District families should report when their student will be absent from school using the Absence Notifications Form available on the ParentSquare app and website.

Each school's form is different and pinned to the top of the school's feed of ParentSquare posts.

Families with multiple students in the building will need to fill out an absence notification for each student. Families with students in other schools must use that school's form to report those student's absences.

Please be aware that families will still receive a phone call/text/email the day of the absence notifying them that their child is not present at school. This is an important part of our safety and accountability protocols. As long as the reason for the absence was already provided through the form families do not need to do anything further when they receive those notifications.

Please contact school attendance clerks directly with any questions.

Changes to normal arrival/dismissal

Red Hook High School and Linden Avenue Middle School families should likewise use the Absence Notification Form to alert the schools when a student will be arriving late or need to leave before the regular dismissal time.

Mill Road Elementary families cannot use the form for this function; families must contact the school's main office directly for any changes to the students' arrival or dismissal plans.