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School Bus Safety Rules

Student Conduct on School Buses 

Upon arrival at school, students are to go directly to their school building. Upon arrival at their afternoon bus stop, students should go directly home. Do not talk to or accept rides with strangers.

Proper student behavior is essential for safe transportation. The following rules and consequences are established: 


1. Students waiting at their bus stop should not play on the road or street. 

2. Students must wait for their bus to come to a complete stop, with the red lights flashing, before boarding or crossing the road. 

3. Students should take the first available seat (especially in the A.M.)- unless seats have been assigned; always remain seated when the bus is in motion. 


1. Students are expected to always obey the bus driver. 

2. Enter/exit the bus in an orderly manner. Running, pushing, or crowding may cause an accident or injury. 

3. Do not try to leave the bus while it is in motion; remain seated until you have received permission from the driver to exit the bus. 

4. Sit facing forward while the bus is in motion. 

5. If your bus stop requires that you cross the road, wait, and watch for the bus driver’s directions and cross at least 10 feet in front of the bus. 

6. Throwing food, paper or refuse on the floor or out the window will not be tolerated. 

7. Talk in an ordinary tone of voice, having consideration for others on the bus. Do not shout, scream, whistle or in any way cause a distraction. Radios, DVD, iPods, or CD players are not to be displayed or used on any bus. 

8. Large musical instruments and skateboards are not permitted on the bus. Transport of other questionable items will be left to the discretion of the driver through the Transportation Supervisor. 

9. Dangerous weapons are not permissible on school buses, i.e., guns, knives, pocketknives, brass knuckles, etc. Students who are found with objectionable devices will be subject to disciplinary action. 

10. At this time – bus passes are accepted for the following only:  ½ day dismissal Mill Road, emergency school closing, and/or consistent day care.  Those students who need to ride on a different bus other than their assigned bus, or who needs to be dropped off at a different location other than their regular stop, must present a school office issued bus pass to the driver.  

11. Keep heads, arms, and hands inside the bus always, whether the bus is in motion or stopped. 

12. Bus drivers have the right to assign seats if necessary. 


Failure to abide by the above rules may result in a range of consequences, depending on the facts and circumstances. The School Administration may also impose severe disciplinary measures. 

SEVERE BEHAVIOR CONSEQUENCE - determined by building administrator; students will be responsible for payment of damaged property.