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MySchoolBucks Parent Portal

The Cafeteria Program is happy to announce that a parent portal for the Point of Sale breakfast and lunch program is now available.

The online parent portal allows parents to access their child’s breakfast/lunch account from any computer connected to the Internet. From the portal website, parents can make advance payments for breakfast &/or lunch by using a debit or credit card or an e-check; view their child’s fund balance, and see what their child is buying in the cafeteria. We encourage parents to create an online account! (Payments for breakfast and lunch tickets will continue to be accepted in person via check or cash in each school building.)

To create your online parent portal account, you will need to visit where you follow the online directions to create your login account.  Keep in mind that payments  can be made for all of your children at one time by using the parent portal.  No more separate checks per building! Please remember that each time you make a deposit transaction online, there is a $2.00 charge so remember to deposit funds for all of your children in one transaction. 

What You Need to Get Started:

1. Computer connected to the Internet.

2. Go to

3. Review the Help/FAQ link at the bottom of the mySchoolBucks website for step-by-step instructions. 

4. Follow the screen prompts to register for a Parent Portal account. You will create your account first and then link your students to your account next.

5. Choose “Red Hook Central School District” from the dropdown list of school district names once you’ve selected “New York” as the state.

6. Know each of your child’s student ID number and their school’s name. (Students in grades 3-12 know their ID number—ask them to help you set up the account!) ID numbers for K-2 grade students are available in an individualized letter sent home from school.

7. Your method of payment  and the number of your debit or credit card or e-check number.

Checking Balances

If you send your payment into school with your child, you can still access your student's balance and purchasing history via the mySchoolBucks online portal WITHOUT having to submit credit, debit or echeck account information. To access this information, go to and then click on My Household and scroll down to cafeteria to retrieve balance and purchasing history information.


Check out the resources for parents on first. You may also email the Red Hook Cafeteria Office staff at with specific questions.