District Office
Office of Curriculum & Instruction
Kitty Summers, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Staff Development, ext. 55200
Lalaina Miner, Senior Typist, ext. 55210
Jack Costello, Director of Pupil Personnel Services, ext. 56100** Fax 845-758-0361
Denise Beneway, Typist, ext. 56010**
Melissa Alessi, Typist, ext. 56020** **PPS staff office is located at Mill Road Primary School
Bruce Martin, Assistant Superintendent for Business, ext. 53100 Fax 845-758-1093
Chrys Zittel, Payroll Clerk, ext. 53050
Diane Koenig, Personnel Assistant, ext. 53040
Eileen Truitt, Account Clerk, ext. 53060
Kristie Lukach, Tax Collector/Account Clerk, ext. 53010
Cody LiPuma, Treasurer, ext. 53020
Facilities & Operations
Scott Rajczi, Director of Facilities & Operations, ext. 59100
Margaret Moul, Senior Typist, ext. 59010
Information Technology
Donna Seelbach, Director of Technology, ext. 59500
Michelle Lowney, Typist, ext. 59501