• Small FlagUS History & Government Course Outline Small Flag

    U.S. History & Government    11                        RHHS / Mr. Saulino

    Course Description: This course covers the history of the United States. It will include a chronological survey of U.S. History in general, but the emphasis in this course will be on the United States as a developing industrial and post-industrial nation. Constitution and legal issues will be explored in depth, as will be the problems of a dynamic industrial society in an increasingly complex and technology-oriented world. As should be true in any good learning situation, previous historical knowledge will be called upon for background, comparison and contrast purposes in all topics.
    TWIUSH: This Week In U.S. History – This is our weekly agenda. It will be distributed in class on the first day of each week. It will list out the topic of each day and any and all assignments, tests, quizzes, etc. that are due or coming up. Extra copies will be posted in the room and this agenda will be posted on my web site. It will usually be available Sunday evenings.

    Sources: Textbook – United States History. We will also be using a number of different primary and secondary sources, books, plays, songs, novels and videos.

    Instruction: We will be doing a variety of different activities in class. They will involve cooperative learning activities (small and large group work), reading (newspapers textbooks, historical documents, etc.), writing (student journals, editorials, letters, essays, etc.), student presentations (skits, role plays, debates, songs, research results), lectures, Web Quests, and video analysis.

    Grades: Evaluation will be based on a point system listed as follows (subject to change):
    Tests: 100 points         Quizzes: 5-30 points        Homework: 10-50 points           Notebook: 50 points        Projects: 50  - 100 points    Participation: TBA

    Tests and quizzes: Quizzes will usually be given on a daily basis – based on a weekly reading assignment. The daily quizzes will be Collins Writing Type 2 (see Collins Writing Handout) Other quizzes could arise that will/can consist of multiple-choice questions, true/false, matching, and/or fill in the blank questions.
    Tests will consists of multiple-choice questions that are similar to those on the New York State US History & Government Regents Exam.

    NY State US History & Government Regents Exam: New York State mandates this exam. It consists of 50 multiple-choice questions, a Thematic Essay, and a Document Based Question (DBQ) essay. This test will be given in June.


    Homework will be assigned throughout each unit in relation to the subject matter. Homework will be evaluated in different ways. It could be collected, visually checked in class, or in the form of short homework quizzes. Homework quizzes will be counted toward the homework part of your grade. HW will be evaluated for completeness, neatness, effort. I will try not to give homework over weekends.  Late homework will be penalized 20% per day from the original due date (weekends included!) You cannot make up missing homework at the end of the marking period

    Projects: You MAY be responsible to complete at least one (1) project per quarter. At times you may have to present your project in class. Details on specific projects will be provided as they come up.

    Class work and participation: I prefer not to stand in front of the class and lecture; it’s boring for you and me. As a result we need to work together as a class to complete different activities that involve us all. This needs to be done in a considerate, respectful manner. I expect students to come to class prepared and ready to contribute.

    Notebook: You are to bring a three ring binder notebook to class with a blue or black pen. You may want to invest in some colored pencils to have on hand for note taking. The notebook will have 5 dividers labeled as the following: Writing journal, class work, homework, tests and quizzes, projects. Notebooks could be checked once per quarter. They will be checked for completeness, neatness, and organization.

    Class rules: The rules in my classes are the same as those in the student handbook; the following will be emphasized:
    §         Respect
    §         Respect
    §         Respect
    §         Respect
    §         Respect
    §         Respect
    §         Respect
    In other words….
    §         Respect Mr. Saulino by
    o        Coming to class on time
    o        Coming to class prepared
    o        Being attentive in class
    o        Being neat and organized
        ▪    Respect others by
        ◦    Not talking while they are talking or trying to listen
        ◦    Not harassing them in any way, physically and/or verbally

        ▪    Respect yourself by…
        ◦    Taking advantage of the educational opportunities you have
        ◦    Asking questions or getting extra help
        ◦    Making up work missed due to illness or lessons
        ◦    Being accountable for you.

    Evaluation will be based on a point system listed as follows (subject to change):
    Tests: 100 points                           Quizzes: 20-25 points          HW: 10 - 50 points            Misc: 20-50 points                          Projects: 50 points                     Participation: TBA
     It needs to be neat and most importantly, on time.  A homework assignment is always collected at the beginning of class on the day that it is due.
    If you miss work due to an excused absence or tardy, it is your responsibility to make it up. You must see me AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! If work is not made up in a reasonable amount of time, it will be counted as a Zero. Late work will be penalized according to the situation – Homework will be accepted late with a 20% fee per day (including weekends) until points run out Check my Webpage for posted schedule & homework assignments.

    Extra help: I am available outside class for extra help or for any questions or concerns you may have. My availability after school varies throughout the year. It is best to check with me and make a specific appointment to meet. Contact me at 758-2241 ext. 3143 or rsaulino@rhcsd.org (prefer e-mail as a contact option)

    Make-up work: If you miss work due to absences, it is your responsibility to make this up. You will have as much time as was given for the original assignment. If work is not made up, it will be counted as a Zero. This includes homework, tests, quizzes, and projects. Late work will be penalized according to the situation.

    Mr. Saulino’s HomePage: https://www.redhookcentralschools.org/page/657

    Mr. Saulino reserves the right to change/amend course outline as he sees fit in order to maintain the proper learning environment for all students.
    Red Hook Central High School
    Social Studies Department

    Success in school comes when everyone works together-parents, teachers, and students. To that end communication is important. I can be reached at 758-2241 ext. 3150. I have found the easiest way to correspond is through e-mail. I request from you an e-mail address that is different than that of your child. Please feel to e-mail me at: rsaulino@rhcsd.org. If e-mail is not an option you can leave me a message at my extension and I will get back to you as soon as I can.  I look forward to working with you and your child this year. Any comments and/or suggestions will be appreciated.

    Mr. Saulino

Detach Below Portion and Return
    I have read the above note and the course outline spelling out the responsibilities of the students for this course. I will try to assist my son/daughter to find success in U.S. History 11 this year.

    Student’s Name (Please Print): _____________________________________

    Student’s Signature: _____________________________________________

    Parent/Guardian Name (Please Print): ________________________________________

    Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________

    Parent e-mail address _____________________________________________